Fertility Profile Test Kit (ZRTLab) - HrtORG
Fertility Profile Test Kit (ZRTLab) - HrtORG
Fertility Profile Test Kit (ZRTLab) - HrtORG
Fertility Profile Test Kit (ZRTLab) - HrtORG
Fertility Profile Test Kit (ZRTLab) - HrtORG
Fertility Profile Test Kit (ZRTLab) - HrtORG
Fertility Profile Test Kit (ZRTLab) - HrtORG

Fertility Profile Test Kit (ZRTLab)

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  • Description

Fertility Profile

The profile provides a thorough evaluation that can identify many problems related to hormone imbalances that are associated with infertility. Dried blood spot samples are collected on days 3 and 21 of the menstrual cycle, and saliva samples are collected only on day 21. LH and FSH are tested on day 3, while on day 21 estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, SHBG, and the thyroid hormones are tested in dried blood spot and diurnal cortisol is tested in saliva.

Fertility Profile includes:

Saliva: Cx4
Blood Spot: E2, total; Pg; T, total; SHBG; DS; TSH; fT3; fT4; TPOab; FSH; LH

Fertility Profile meets the requirement for initial screening for fertility assessment by reproductive endocrinologists. Assessment of ovarian reserve as well as screening for multiple common reasons for infertility including: anovulation, PCOS, hypothyroidism, premature ovarian failure or ovarian insufficiency.

Consider for: Women who have been trying to get pregnant without success, or who would like to be proactive in their preconception planning
by getting a baseline screening.

Fertility Testing Instructions

How Does It Work?

  • Step 1

    Order the test kit online and a complete materials package will be delivered to your door.

  • Step 2

    Follow the instructions for the collection of saliva, blood, or urine and return samples via prepaid shipping label.

  • Step 3

    Get results quickly and discreetly through a secure online portal or have a physical copy sent directly to you.


Why Test With Us?

  • Highest Testing Standards

    We use the most up-to-date collection methods to secure blood, urine, and saliva samples for shipment and testing. Our at-home test kits and methodologies meet the highest standards for both quality and validity.

  • Certified Testing Labs

    CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) certified laboratories are used to receive and evaluate test samples. This ensures strict adherence to both state and federal guidelines with regular inspections from applicable government agencies.

  • Key Facts About The Lab

    Operating for over 20 years with over 8 million tests completed. Developed three distinct hormone testing methods. Partner with the CDC and NIH on research.


Ask a Question
  • I see that you test on day 3 and 21. Does it matter how long your cycle is? Will it be the same day for both

    Menstruating Women

    1. You will collect 2 blood spot cards (one follicular, one luteal) and 4 saliva samples. Saliva samples can be
     collected on any day.
    2. Follicular: Collect a blood spot card on day 3 or 4 of your menstrual cycle. (Day 1= 1st day of bleeding)
    3. Luteal: Collect a blood spot card using guidelines below.

    • Regular Cycles: If known, collect 7 days after LH surge/ovulation. If unknown, collect day 19, 20 or 21 of the cycle.
    • Long Cycles (Over 28 Days): If known, collect 7 days after positive LH surge/ovulation. If unknown, collect day 21.
    • Short Cycles (Less than 23 Days): If known, collect 5 days after positive LH surge/ovulation. If unknown, collect day 15.
    • Unpredictable: Collect any day not bleeding.

    4. Blood spot cards may be collected in either order, luteal first or follicular first.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.