- Description
Comprehensive Male Profile II
This profile includes both saliva and dried blood spot tests and provides a broad assessment of possible hormonal imbalances because they assess sex, adrenal, and thyroid hormone levels. These three hormone systems work in harmony, and an imbalance in one system affects the balance of the others as well. Comprehensive testing allows the health care provider to determine the appropriate treatment to restore balance and achieve overall wellness.
Comprehensive Male Profile II includes:
Saliva: Cx4
Blood Spot: E2, total; T, total; SHBG; DS; PSA; TSH; fT3; fT4; TPOab
Comprehensive Male Profile II tests only the diurnal cortisol in saliva, while the sex and thyroid hormones are all tested in dried blood spot. Allows physicians to monitor for estrogen dominance, hypogonadism, andropause; full assessment of thyroid health, including screening for hypo or hyperthyroidism, determining Free T4 levels as well as Free T3 levels, testing for autoimmune thyroid disease, and monitoring thyroid replacement dosages.
Consider for: Fatigue, sleep disturbance, decreased cognition, depression, low libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), infertility, loss of bone and muscle mass, weight gain, adrenal and thyroid dysfunction.
Assesses gonadal, adrenal, and thyroid hormones.
How Does It Work?
Step 1
Order the test kit online and a complete materials package will be delivered to your door.
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Step 2
Follow the instructions for the collection of saliva, blood, or urine and return samples via prepaid shipping label.
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Step 3
Get results quickly and discreetly through a secure online portal or have a physical copy sent directly to you.
Why Test With Us?
Highest Testing Standards
We use the most up-to-date collection methods to secure blood, urine, and saliva samples for shipment and testing. Our at-home test kits and methodologies meet the highest standards for both quality and validity.
Certified Testing Labs
CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) certified laboratories are used to receive and evaluate test samples. This ensures strict adherence to both state and federal guidelines with regular inspections from applicable government agencies.
Key Facts About The Lab
Operating for over 20 years with over 8 million tests completed. Developed three distinct hormone testing methods. Partner with the CDC and NIH on research.
Ask a Question-
I ordered the Comprehensive Male Profile II Saliva+Blood Multi-Test kit. I was expecting that to be the title on the box. The box that I received says only Salive+Blood Hormone Test Kit, and it has a picture of a woman on the back and mentions menopause and menstrual irregularities. I ordered this for my husband. Is this the right kit for him???
Hello! Yes the Saliva + Blood Hormone Test kit is how you will provide both the saliva and blood spot samples for the Comprehensive Male Profile II test. The Comprehensive Male profile tests samples in both blood spot and saliva. Any other questions please let us know!